How to Find Magic in Life Again


D2R Magic Find Guide with Best Locations to MF

D2R Magic Observe Guide with Best Locations to MF

In-depth Guide on Magic Find with detailed answers to the most frequently asked questions

Diablo ii Resurrected

Magic Finding FAQ and Locations Guide


Magic Discover, despite existence a rather simple stat, is famous for raising the largest corporeality of questions among the Diablo ii Resurrected customs, as far as affixes go. If we were to judge, we would say that this happens because everybody wants good drops, but not everyone is getting them and they don't know why. Because of this, we have decided to compile a listing of the most often asked MF questions and answer them to the all-time of our ability. To brand the guide more comprehensive, we've also included a list of farming locations in which Magic Find works the best - information technology should allow yous to test your newly caused knowledge in do.

The post-obit commodity covers upwardly all the nuts about Magic Find stat, and the near assisting locations you tin farm in Diablo 2 Resurrected, however, it does not include the all-time Magic Find Items that you can utilise on your character. Equipment, while existence the only source of increases to Magic Detect stat, is the core discipline, and we have decided to make another stand-alone Guide for information technology.  You can read it hither: The All-time Magic Find Items in Diablo 2 Resurrected

Magic Finding FAQ

Below, you lot volition find a compilation of oft asked questions about magic finding mechanics, strategies, calculations, and more. We've tried to reply these questions to the all-time of our power and we promise y'all are going to notice the answers helpful and informative.

What Exactly is Magic Discover?

The "Ten% Amend Chance Of Getting Magic Particular" is an Braze institute on Magical, Rare, Set, and Unique Items besides as on Runewords, that is commonly called "Magic Observe" or "MF" for short. In basic terms, Magic Find increases the chances of dropped items being of Magic or better quality (so, Magic, Rare, Gear up, or Unique). Calculations are quite simple - if yous have +100% Magic Notice, an item that previously had a one% chance to be Magic/Rare/Set up/Unique is going to take its drop gamble increased by 100% for a total of ii% chance.

Important: Magic Find DOES NOT increment the rate at which items drop from defeated monsters. It just increases the chances of dropped items beingness of Magical or meliorate quality. In other words, Magic Discover increases the average quality of your loot, not its amount.

This means that the more Magic Find yous have, the more high rarity items you are going to driblet; +100% Magic find will ~double your higher rarity drop rate, +200% MF will triple information technology, and so on. Ultimately, it's all up to RNG, merely tipping the RNG in your favor will requite keen results sooner or later.

If MF Does not Touch the Ammount of Dropped Items, What Does?

The Players X Control. The number of players in a game affects the force of monsters y'all will encounter and the number of items they volition drop. This means that Magic Find will work improve in Multiplayer games. But, what if y'all wanted to increment drop rates while playing solo? Well, this is where the same command comes in. Basically, information technology tells the game that there are more than players in your game than in that location actually are, which increases monsters' toughness and improves their loot tables. However, at that place is more to the control than just that.

Players X Command is executed past typing "/PlayersX" where X = 1-viii in the chat, and affects:

  • The difficulty of monsters. For instance, typing "/Players4" is going to simulate a iv-thespian multiplayer game, and the toughness, attack rating, and damage of encountered monsters will be adjusted to reflect that.
    • Monsters receive a 50% increase in life for each additional "Player" in your game; ii Players - 150% Life, four Players - 250% Life, 8 Players - 450% Life, etc..
    • Monsters receive a 6.25% increase in Assail Rating and Impairment for each additional "Thespian" in your game; 2 Players - +6.25% AR and Damage, 3 Players - +12.v% AR and Damage, and so on.
  • The number of dropped Items. The higher number you choose, the more items you'll notice. What the command really does, is information technology lowers the adventure of Monsters non dropping loot at all. Just exist enlightened that enemies will get considerably tougher as well.
    • This does non bear on Super Unique Monsters, Unique Monsters, and Champions. These types volition e'er drib a specific number of Items - Super Uniques - 2 Items, Uniques and Champions - 1 Item.
    • Only Odd numbers touch on the No Drop Hazard. /Players5 is enough to reduce the No Drib Gamble of Bosses to a minimum, merely /Players3 gives very comparable results - Use /Players3 when farming Bosses for the all-time efficiency. /Players7 caps the No Drop Chance for Normal Monsters as it's the highest possible odd number you can select - using /Players8 volition merely make monsters stronger without affecting their boodle.
  • The amount of Experience you get from Monsters. Tougher Monsters = more Feel, yay.
    • Slain Monsters grant fifty% More experience for each boosted "Role player" in your game; ii Players - 150% Experience, 3 Players - 200% Experience, and so on.

Important: The "Players X" Control volition only piece of work in the unmarried-player mode. Y'all tin't use it on Also, the difficulty you set will remain in place until you lot manually change it or completely shut the game - logging your grapheme off won't alter information technology back to Players ane.

What Else is not Affected by the Magic Observe Stat?

The only matter Magic Notice actually does is information technology helps yous become more Magical, Gear up, Rare, and Unique Items. This ways that information technology won't bear on:

  • The total number of items that drib nor the driblet rate of the detail item types, such every bit Rings, Weapons, Armors, and Amulets.
  • The level of items that drib (this is affected by the level of the area y'all drib items in).
  • The drib rate of Exceptional and Elite Items, and the driblet charge per unit of Charms (/PlayersX command helps with these, nonetheless).
  • The number of Jewels you drop. However, it will bear upon the rarity of Jewels - with higher MF, you will find more Rare Jewels.
  • The drop rate of Runes. Again, this is affected by the /PlayersX control, not magic find.
  • The chances of getting Rare and Unique Items from Gambling (Gambling has ready chances for all particular rarities: Unique - 0.05%, Set -, Rare - ten%, Magical - 89%).

What /PlayersX Difficulty Setting is Optimal for Magic Finding?

This all depends on what y'all're trying to do:

  • As mentioned higher up, /Players3 is optimal for farming bosses. If you desire to earn more experience, nevertheless, yous might want to consider increasing the difficulty further. Increasing it to /Players5 is going to improve the boodle slightly, but increasing the difficulty beyond that betoken won't affect driblet chances of items any further.
  • When fully clearing areas, /Players7 is going to yield the all-time results. Rising information technology all the way upwardly to /Players8 will but increase the difficulty and experience of monsters. This is also the best strategy for farming Runes, Charms, and Jewels (be aware that Magic Notice does non affect the drop chance of Runes, however, /PlayersX does).
  • If y'all're only targeting Super Unique Monsters, Unique Monsters, and Champions, increasing the /PlayersX Difficulty won't bear upon the boodle tables - get out it at /Players1 and just stack as much Magic Detect as you lot're comfortable with.

How Much Magic Notice is Optimal?

For all intents and purposes, anything between 200% to 400% Magic Discover is enough for general purpose MF Builds. Some hyper-specialized builds tin can stack over 600% Magic Find and all the same be able to clear areas they were designed for. In general, you desire to optimize your build in a way that will effect in a skillful combination of Clear Speed and MF, as having great Magic Find with terrible Clear Speed or vice versa is counterproductive and very inefficient.

Answering the question, the "optimal" amount of Magic Discover volition mostly depend on your chosen farming location, Grapheme Build, Gear, and personal skill level. Effort starting at 300% Magic Discover and go up until your clear speed starts to slow down noticeably. If you experience clearing problems at 300% MF, practise it the other fashion around:

  • If yous accept cypher problems when immigration an area, consider swapping some of your gear for additional Magic Detect items.
  • If you struggle to clear an area, consider dropping some MF Items in favor of gear that'southward going to increase your character's overall strength.

Does Magic Find Work With Chests and Barbarian's Find Item Skill?

The brusk answer to both of these is yes.

  • Since Update v1.08, Magic Find works on Chests, Corpses (slain Rogues, Skeletons, etc.), Barrels, Urns, Stashes, and all other openable/brittle items you find during your travels. This also means that doing "Chest Runs" is a viable strategy for Magic Finding.
  • For updates v1.08 D2/S2X and afterward, Magic Find works with Barbaric's Detect Detail Skill. Thanks to this, Barbaric is cracking for Magic Finding in areas with high numbers of Unique and Super Unique enemies (Discover Item gives yous an extra particular ringlet which greatly increases the total number of items you lot go).

What Areas are the Best for Magic Finding

We've prepared a complete breakup of these areas and yous tin notice it down below. In full general, all Level 85 areas are swell as Champions, Uniques, and Super Uniques found in them tin maybe drop whatever item in the game. This happens because their level matches the quality level of whatsoever particular treasure class item (which ways that ANY particular that drops from them has a chance to roll to be a Fix or Unique slice).

How Does the Magic Discover Work With my Merc and/or Minions?

Magic Find Gear y'all put on your Mercenary won't bear upon your hazard to drop magic items. however, when your Merc kills something, both your Merc'southward and yours Magic Detect will be taken into account for drop calculations. This ways that your Merc tin can potentially take a much higher Magic Find than you. As for Minions, they can't equip any Items so their Magic Observe is always equal to yours.

Should I Target Specific Items When Magic Finding?

The short answer is no. The slightly longer answer is: Despite the fact that sure Unique Items take higher chances of dropping from specific Monsters/Uniques/Bosses, their Driblet Rate (even with very high Magic Detect stat) is so low that you lot're amend off applying the "Shotgun" approach. Merely farm in areas where you feel the near comfortable or areas where you lot accomplish the best clear speeds and yous volition see results. It is a numbers game and you're more probable to get high-quality stuff when you "ringlet" for it more - more kills = more drop chances = more than high-quality items.

What is the Best Starter Magic Finding Character Build?

All things considered, it is the Blizzard Sorceress. This is considering:

  • She deals very high Damage, fifty-fifty when built on a budget/with a loftier MF focus, thanks to her ability to reduce the Cold Resistance of monsters with Cold Mastery.
  • She offers amazing mobility with Teleport which means that you don't need Enigma and thus you tin spend your currency more optimally.
  • You can farm Mephisto very hands past luring him and teleporting to the other side of the blood mote. This is a very easy and efficient way of farming for your MF gear (Great items He tin can drop include Harlequin'south Crest (Shako), Arachnid Mesh, Stone of Jordan, and all other Uniques/Set Pieces with treasure grade of 78 or lower).

Note: We went over the Blizzard Sorceress MF build in another guide, you can discover it HERE.

Magic Observe Sounds Great. What are the Drawbacks, Though?

The biggest drawback of stacking MF is that yous compromise your character's strength in the procedure. Magic Find is an affix, which ways that you basically trade information technology for other, more combat-oriented, affixes, like +Skills, +Assault Rating, +Faster Cast Rate, Resistances, etc. While this is non as important when playing solo or in the regular ladder, you should call back twice earlier stacking MF on your Hardcore Character and taking it to a dangerous area.

Magic Finding Locations

Below, we present you with a list of areas where high Magic Find builds produce good results. Most of them are level 85 locations, we all know why past now. We've tried to go into detail and list each of the covered zones' pros and cons, and then y'all should be able to easily spot an expanse well-suited for your current character.

Lower Kurast

We beginning off with a very popular location for the and so-called "Chest Runs*". Lower Kurast is one of the easiest locations for farming high-tier equipment, charms, jewels, gems, and high-tier Runes. It is located in Deed Iii and you will first find information technology after traversing through the Flayer Jungle; it has a Waypoint, so y'all can warp to information technology quickly afterward you find it for the starting time time, which saves precious time. But like all other maps, Lower Kurast features a randomly-generated layout with some pre-adamant elements that are e'er placed on the map. In this case, there will always be 1 or ii campfires next to which there are always huts with Super Chests (huts are always generated to the upper-right - one Super Chest, and the upper-left - ii Super Chests, of the campfires). Moreover, Lower Kurast ever spawns large amounts of openable Weapon Racks, Logs, Corpses, and regular Chests, all of which are affected past your Magic Find stat. The most efficient fashion of doing a "Lower Kurast Run" is to but skip all the monster spawns and go straight for the Super Chests and other openable loot sources. This is unremarkably washed by using a character with access to the Teleport Skill - a Sorceress when on a budget, and any build that uses Enigma later on.

Important: The difficulty setting, yous're playing on, determines the number of patterns containing high-tier runes that yous tin can roll when opening Super Chests. This means that, in single-histrion games, you should always run Lower Kurast on /Players5 (if you lot're looking for lower Runes) or /Players7 (if you want to maximize the driblet rate of Gul, Vex, Ohm, Lo, Sur, and Ber Runes - this is the best way of farming Runes for Enigma and Infinity).

Farming Runes in Lower Kurast - To brand Lower Kurast Rune Runs as quick and efficient every bit possible, you have to invest in a Teleport Character with a loftier Faster Cast Charge per unit breakpoint. Moreover, if you want to maximize your efficiency, you will have to acquire how the map is generated so that you can quickly determine if at that place are ane or two Campfires and how far from the Waypoint they are - quickly spotting a "bad" Lower Kurast map and skipping information technology actually results in better loot/60 minutes overall (this does non employ in single-histrion games, because maps are non re-rolled unless you lot modify difficulties - once you roll a "good" map, by jumping between difficulties, you can simply stick with it). To optimize your runs even further, you lot should use the Waypoint to teleport to the Act IV town and save&go out there; this is because the Waypoint in Act Four is very close to where your character spawns after logging in to the game.

Note: It'due south the first location and we're already adulterous (a bit) as this map does not crave you to take any Magic Find if you desire to focus solely on farming Runes from Super Chests. If you're afterwards Items, all the same, running through the whole map and opening every Stash while having a loftier MF stat is the way to go.

*To clear things up for those of you who don't already know what a Chest Run actually is - in a Chest Run, you avoid monsters (usually by using Teleport), and speed-run through a map searching for Chests and Super Chests (Super Chests are Chests that appear in specific locations and incorporate a pre-determined loot pattern - there are 65536 dissimilar patterns, some of which characteristic high-finish Runes). While Magic Observe works on regular Chests, it does not affect Super Chests at all.

 Pros  Cons
  • The quickest Rune-farming location for Single-Thespian
  • Tin can be run on a budget with a Sorceress
  • Does not require Magic Find if y'all want to focus solely on farming Runes
  • Yous can farm Runewords like Enigma and Infinity very quickly in hither
  • There's an abundance of regular Chests, Weapon Racks, and other Stashes, which makes Lower Kurast a decent spot for farming rares with MF as well
  • This subcontract is much less efficient on due to randomized maps and the inability to alter the role player number settings
  • Requires map re-rolling and getting an optimal layout might take some work
  • You will need a Character with access to Teleport if you want to subcontract efficiently
  • For the best results, you lot will accept to farm on /Players7 which can exist risky for Hardcore characters

The Pit

This Cave Level is located underneath the Tamoe Highland. The quickest way to the entrance leads through the Waypoint located in the Outer Cloister - later teleporting make your way to the Highland; The Pit's archway should be very easy to detect, but follow the path that leads from the Monastery. By all accounts, It is ane of the easiest Level 85 Magic Finding locations (on Hell difficulty), which makes it platonic for relatively low-risk runs. However, continue in mind that lightning, fire, and cold-immune enemies can spawn inside, which makes single-chemical element builds less feasible (a low-level Sorceress with a build that focuses on ane harm source might struggle in The Pir, for example).

I of the biggest upsides of The Pit is its relatively large size - information technology has two levels - paired with a good amount of Boss pack spawns. Level 1 ever spawns from half dozen upward to 8 Boss packs, and Level 2 (which is much smaller than level i) spawns from ii to 3 Boss packs and a guaranteed Uber Chest. A well-developed character with access to Teleport is recommended for this expanse as it has a large monster density and traversing it on foot is both lengthy and unsafe. Overall, The Pit is one of The Best Magic Finding Locations in Diablo two Resurrected.

 Pros  Cons
  • Corking for well-adult characters with Teleport (so, Sorcs and Enigma users)
  • Monsters in The Pit are relatively weak
  • viii-11 Dominate packs + a Uber Chest guaranteed each run
  • The entrance is very like shooting fish in a barrel to find - but follow the path from the Monastery
  • Not having admission to Teleport makes farming in The Pit very inefficient
  • Low-level and poorly-equipped Characters might struggle in The Pit every bit the place features high monster density
  • Cold, Lightning, and Burn immunes spawn in that location regularly which makes some builds struggle

The Mausoleum

This clandestine surface area is located underneath the Burial Grounds in Act I. As about of the other popular Magic Finding Areas, the Mausoleum is a level 85 surface area. One of its defining features is the fact that it has some of the weakest monsters of any loftier-level zones in the game - this makes it perfect for budget and non-yet-fully-geared characters. Only exist aware that the Mausoleum is teeming with Undead monsters which are immune to Leeching effects. It tin be accessed from the Cold Plains Waypoint, merely it'south at quite a altitude from it.

Despite existence relatively large, it contains only from 4 to five Boss packs, which is less than other like locations. Still, it is much safer than other Level 85 areas, which makes information technology worthwhile for weaker and Hardcore characters. Also, Mausoleum has a relatively low monster density, and thus information technology's great for learning how to skip monster packs or for doing more relaxed boodle runs. All in all, if you want to cheque if your character is strong enough to Magic Observe in level 85 areas, this is an amazing place to verify it.

 Pros  Cons
  • Monsters that populate the Mausoleum are relatively weak and shouldn't pose much of a threat to geared up characters
  • Low monster density ensures a relaxing farming experience
  • If you're new to Magic Finding, this area will serve equally a nice tutorial
  • Despite the relatively large size, Mausoleum only has 4-5 Boss pack spawns, which is less than other worthwhile areas of comparable dimensions
  • It's located quite far away from the closest Waypoint which lowers the loot/hour even further
  • It'southward filled with Undead, which ways that Life and Mana Leech won't work

Maggot Lair Level 3

While this is one of the level 85 areas and thus you tin driblet whatsoever item in the game in it, Maggot Lair is hard to recommend; You have to go through ii whole cave levels to achieve level 3, the corridors are claustrophobic which makes fast motion and skipping monsters difficult, and there are not enough Boss packs on level 3 to redeem it - from 4 to 5. Why mention it and so? Well, equally mentioned higher up, you lot nonetheless can find any item in the game there, and venturing into the Maggot Lair should make you appreciate other spots from this list but a tiny bit more than.

 Pros  Cons
  • Whatever particular in the game can exist found here, as it'south a level 85 area
  • Proficient for masochists
  • Hard to navigate
  • Monsters are hard to skip because of cramped corridors
  • Only 3rd floor is level 85, so there'due south a lot of running involved
  • Who likes maggots, anyhow?

The Ancient Tunnels

When compared to the other level 85 area from Act II, Ancient Tunnels shine brighter than Sirius, thus, at that place's no wonder that many people phone call them one of the best locations in the game for magic finding. This underground area features high monster density which makes it corking for farming. Moreover, it's quite meaty, yet there is plenty space for maneuvers. On top of that, cold-allowed monsters never spawn there (with a notable exception of cold immune Uniques, merely these spawn extremely rarely). As a event, Ancient Tunnels are platonic for Blizzard Sorceress; the build seems to be designed for them - simply try it out and you won't regret it.

What makes this surface area truly polish is the fact that a Blizzard Sorc can easily clear information technology while stacking as much Magic Find as she tin can (that's what the lack of cold immunes does). On the other hand, any build that relies on Lightning Damage (then, Lightning Sorc, Death Sentry Assassin, Lightning Javazon, etc.) volition struggle here as Lightning immunes are a very mutual occurrence. Also, the area is not ideal for melee builds as information technology'due south mostly populated past the undead (Leech affixes won't work). Y'all should wait anywhere from 6 up to 8 Boss packs in the Ancient Tunnels and a prissy breast at the terminate.

 Pros  Cons
  • Adept monster density
  • Corridors are quite spacious which makes outmaneuvering enemies quite easy
  • A relatively small area with up to 8 Unique spawns
  • Great location for a Blizzard Sorc
  • If you're unlucky, the Lost City Waypoint can exist located rather far away from the entrance
  • Lightning immune monsters spawn very frequently in Ancient Tunnels
  • It's crawling with Undead, so Life Leech won't work

Disused Reliquary, Ruined Fane, and Forgotten Temple

We cover these three in one department every bit they are all located in Human activity Iii and they all suffer from the aforementioned problems. Mainly, they feature a very depression monster density - you can expect only ii Boss packs in each of them (fifty-fifty The Mausoleum looks dainty in comparing). Their only redeeming feature, when it comes to enemies, is the fact that they are level 85 areas and any particular in the game can potentially drop in them. On the other hand, all 3 of these have a lot of chests, stashes, corpses, and other openable items which are all afflicted by the Magic Find stat. This, compared with low monster density equals an interesting area for breast runs. Disused Reliquary and Ruined Fane are located under Travincal, and Forgotten Temple tin be found underneath the Upper Kurast.

If you're looking for level 85 areas that are relatively safe for your Hardcore graphic symbol, y'all might desire to consider one of these but you'll chop-chop realize that the "safety" is not worth your suffering (farming in these areas is painfully slow and opening chests can get boring very quickly).

 Pros  Cons
  • Quite safety to subcontract
  • Level 85 areas with all the corresponding benefits
  • A lot of openable stashes; a safe spot for relaxed chest runs
  • Very low monster density
  • Generally non worth the endeavor

The River of Flame

This dangerous and extremely hot area is located beneath the City of the Damned in Act IV. It is 1 of the 2 biggest Level 85 areas in the base game (the other one is also located in act IV). Monsters that spawn hither often boast various resistances, which makes it rather tricky for some builds. If you're upwardly for the challenge, nonetheless, it can be a decent place to Magic Find.

River of Flame spawns from half dozen to 7 Boss packs which might seem like a lot, merely its vastness means that y'all have to cover a lot of ground before y'all find each of them; this as well ways that a graphic symbol with skillful mobility is recommended. On the other mitt, the archway is very often located in close proximity to the City of the Damned Waypoint.

 Pros  Cons
  • Any item in the game can be found here
  • Allows y'all to utilize your character's mobility to its fullest
  • The entrance is often very close to the Waypoint
  • A vast area with a lot of footing to encompass between Dominate packs
  • Enemies oft boast resistances
  • Some smaller enemies don't take loot tables at all

Chaos Sanctuary

This level 85 surface area is located at the terminate of Act IV and serves as the seat of power of Diablo himself. It features a great monster density and an easy-to-navigate layout which makes it one of the most popular online Diablo two Resurrected magic finding locations. To admission information technology, have the River of Flame Waypoint and follow the statues.

While the area is great for farming overall, the super uniques who guard the seals and the Diablo himself are not actually capable of dropping gear with a treasure class of 78. This ways that the all-time drop from Chaos Sanctuary comes from random Boss packs - the area spawns from 6 to 7 of them each time.

 Pros  Cons
  • Easy to navigate
  • Great monster density
  • A lot of Unique spawns for the size
  • Ane of the most climatic zones in Diablo ii Resurrected
  • Diablo and seal guards can't actually drop the highest treasure course items
  • Monsters in the area are some of the strongest in the game

The Worldstone Go along

This entire surface area (levels 1, ii, and 3) is a level 85 zone which means that it's the biggest area capable of dropping items with a treasure class of 78. Moreover, unlike the other level 85 areas, The Worldstone Keep has a Waypoint located directly in it (at level 2, which is not ideal and encourages you to skip a level or access the 1st level from the Ancient's Fashion afterward clearing levels 2 and 3).

In Worldstone Keep, y'all can expect an first-class monster density and anywhere from 6 up to 8 Dominate packs. The downside is, the monsters you'll encounter at that place are famous for causing a lot of bug to underequipped characters.

 Pros  Cons
  • Like shooting fish in a barrel to admission through the Waypoint
  • Practiced monster density
  • Can drib any item in the game
  • The Waypoint is located on level 2, which is not platonic
  • Monsters inside are extremely difficult
  • The area has 3 levels and Boss packs are spread between them

Throne of Destruction

This area is quite like to the Worldstone Proceed, as it features smashing monster density and you tin drop whatever item in the game here. Moreover, enemies you lot'll come across here will requite you a run for your money. At the terminate of the expanse, you will discover the Lord of Destruction himself, Baal. The closest Waypoint is located in the Worldstone Continue level 2.

Inside the Baal'south Throneroom, you lot will discover from iv to five Boss packs. Moreover, you can clear the 2d and 3rd levels of the Worldstone Keep on your way down, which is a skilful fashion of maximizing your drops/60 minutes. Likewise, Baal and the minions he summons, dissimilar Diablo and his seal keepers, are capable of dropping items with a treasure class of 78.

 Pros  Cons
  • Dandy monster density
  • Baal and the waves he summons can drib any item in the game
  • You can combine this area with the Worldstone Keep levels two and 3 for more efficient farming
  • Monsters in the surface area are extremely dangerous
  • A character without skillful mobility will have a while to travel from the Worldstone Keep to Baal'south Throneroom

Hell Mephisto

We include this ane as a bonus, as we've mentioned a derisive tactic, that makes defeating Mephisto piffling, earlier in this guide. Mainly, if you have access to Teleport (then, if you're a Sorceress or have an Enigma, or even run a Ranged Barbaric build with Bound), you lot tin lure Mephisto to the southern office of his bedroom and teleport through the blood mote. Doing so will confuse the AI every bit it won't be able to reach you. As a outcome, Mephisto will just wander in circles close to the mote, which will make him very vulnerable to your ranged attacks. This way, you lot can defeat him without any impairment - you can even practice Hell Mephisto runs on a naked Sorc and don't break a sweat.

While loot from Hell Mephisto is not as good as loot you can become from level 85 areas, y'all can still driblet very valuable items from him. These include various types of Runes, Crown of Thieves, The Oculus, Gheed's Fortune, Hellrack, Steel Shade, Harlequin Crest, Thrang-Oul'south Claws, Lidless Wall, Dracul's Grasp, and pretty much all other Ready Pieces/Uniques with treasure class of 78 or lower. Overall, this is i of the quickest and safest Magic Find farms in Diablo two Resurrected.

 Pros  Cons
  • The easiest spot to farm for high-level gear
  • You can easily solo Mephisto on /Players3 or fifty-fifty /Players5 with the above-mentioned tactic
  • The cheeky tactic Requires you lot to take access to Teleport
  • It'southward a level 78 area, so Boodle tables lack some of the really powerful stop-game items

Terminate Note

If you accept whatsoever more questions about Magic Finding in Diablo 2 Resurrected, feel costless to ask them - we will do our all-time to give you a comprehensive answer.

We promise that yous have found this guide useful and informative. If yous liked it and want usa to add more guides such as this i, please let us know! Also, we will exist happy to receive constructive criticism that will help the states meliorate our hereafter piece of work and so leave your suggestions in the comments section below.

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